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Hit your growth target with the Fast-track List-building System

Quick question for freelancers & entrepreneurs:

What's standing between you and an email list that will support your bold, bodacious business goals?

If you’re like most freelancers and entrepreneurs I work with, your answer to the question above is a version of:

✅ Lack of time
✅ Task overwhelm
✅ Having to figure everything out on your own

Sound familiar?

What if, you could have all the email list-building workflows and automations set up in your business?

And, what if you didn’t have to spend hours, days, or weeks coming up with the processes to keep these workflows humming?

Finally, what if you could work with a pro who walked you through it explaining everything along the way and then provided ongoing support?

Now, you can turn those ‘what ifs’ into ‘whens’ (and wins!) with a step-by-step, implementation-focused system that helps you break through whatever barrier is standing in your way so you can get the list growth you deserve. 

Imagine how it would feel to grow your email list and your authority week over week simply by following a repeatable process to create and promote a series of reusable assets – lead magnets and trust-builders.

Grab access to the Fast-Track List-Building System and get clear, step-by-step instruction to help you quickly implement your lead gen flows and achieve faster, healthier list growth without breaking the bank.

You get:

Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy 5 modules with clear step-by-step instructional and implementation training + transcripts

Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Over-the-shoulder tutorials walking you through important steps

Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy 3 Bonus modules covering creating the perfect lead magnet, the creation of a lead magnet stack and how to create a publication and promotion plan for your lead magnet

Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Workbooks, checklists, and resource lists… you have all you need in one place

Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Included! Swipe files, examples, and templates

Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Bonus: private list-builders channel in the Get Focused AF community

Pay just $197 to fast-track your email list growth

(Or, 3 payments of $67)


You trust these companies to train you.
They trust me to train you inside their programs.

Copyhackers logo
The Copywriter Club logo

My list grew from tens of names to thousands... almost overnight

Lead magnet stacking and a coordinated distribution effort through speaking engagements, podcast interviews, and hosting summits triggered an influx of new leads.

I was gobsmacked. And, I fumbled at first. All these leads and no system in place to segment and tag people coming from a variety of sources. 

Over time, I developed a process that covered each step of the lead acquisition journey and I streamlined the process to make it a snap to implement.

Now, I’m making this process available to you.

"Betsy’s workshop saved me over 30 hours of work time"

Betsy’s trainings transformed my copywriting process. I already knew *how* to write all the deliverables, but her clear, step-by-step approach to getting them done so quickly was a game changer…I never believed I’d walk away from an enjoyable co-working session with 90% completed first drafts.

Plus, Betsy helped me remember all the “extra things” I always forget about…like thank you pages and follow-up copy. I’m re-doing my website this month, and the time I invested with Betsy has saved me over 30 hours of work time (not to mention how fast it makes my client work go).

It’s a repeatable system that works. I’m glad I have it to help me write high-converting copy in a fraction of the time it used to take me. Thank you, Betsy!!

Karen Kossow
Email Strategist and Copywriter for Woman-Owned Brands

Email copywriter, Karen Kossow looks into the distance with the sun going down behind her

Helping entrepreneurs & freelancers achieve their goals

I’m Betsy Muse and I’ve been an entrepreneur in marketing and copywriting for decades working most recently with clients ranging from SaaS and eCommerce companies to political clients and nonprofits. 

It’s that depth of experience that led Joanna Wiebe to hire me as a copy expert and instructor in Copyhackers’ Copy School. 

Through programs like Get Focused AF, The Arena and the Business Blastoff Bootcamp, I’ve helped hundreds of freelancers and entrepreneurs focus on the systems and processes that will help them build resilient, adaptable, and profitable businesses.

Betsy Muse

"Betsy communicates in a way that encourages success"


Betsy is an amazing mentor. Not only is she incredibly smart and knowledgeable, she’s kind. She’s no-nonsense yet knows how to communicate in a way that encourages success and makes people feel better about themselves, even in difficult situations. To me, that makes a great mentor.

Plenty of people are experts, most are not able to help other people achieve expertise themselves. Betsy can, and she does — and people love her for it.

Amy Posner, Mentor & Coach
Amy Posner & Magnetic North Mastermind

Amy Posner, Conversion Copywriter and Copy Chief sits with hands folded wearing a striped top

"With Betsy's implementation workshops,
I'm no longer guessing."

“There’s smart implementation and then there’s the guessing kind of implementation. What’s valuable about the List, Nurture, Sell workshops is they offer smart implementation.

During that most painful time of my business development journey, I knew I was missing something but I didn’t know what that something was. I was doing the guessing kind of implementation. 

Practice without the plan = spinning wheels. With Betsy’s implementation workshops, I’m no longer guessing.”

Dr. Mimi Zhou
Conversion Copywriter & Web Copy Specialist

Dr. Mimi Zhou

Introducing the...

Fast-Track, List-Building System

Your path to a more profitable business begins with a
healthy list of potential buyers

You could get so much more done in your business if you had a process to help you work through each task rather than stalling every single time you have to figure something out on your own.

In this workshop, you get to snag my process for quickly implementing your lead-gen flow so you can get more lead-enticing assets and activities out in the wild, attracting more qualified leads to your list.

Yes, qualified… because you did the work to make sure you were solving a problem your ideal buyers actually have.

Here’s what’s included in each module… and what you’ll be able to accomplish after you put it all into action :

Bonus Module 1:
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Create the perfect lead magnet (more details below)

Bonus Module 2:
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Get exponential reach with a Lead Magnet Stack (more details below)

Module 1:
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Build the foundation of your lead gen funnel

Module 2:
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Write the copy for your lead magnet opt-in page
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Create the opt-in form in your email service platform
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Write opt-in copy to use anywhere you embed your opt-in form

Module 3:
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Write copy for your thank you or confirmation page
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Build out your confirmation page
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Create a survey to collect voice of customer data on your thank you page

Module 4:
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Map out your email welcome sequence & strategy
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Storyboard your welcome email sequence

Module 5:
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Write your double opt-in email
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Write your asset delivery email

Bonus Module 3:
Rocket fire starburst logo for Rocket Fuel Strategy Create a distribution and promotion plan for your lead magnet to help drive traffic and signups (more details below)

Cover for choose the right lead magnet

Bonus Module #1:

Attract your ideal buyers by helping them find a solution for their most pressing problem

You will be able to match up your ideal buyer’s needs with the lead magnet that best suits their solution and delivers their quick win.

Not only do you get their email address, but you prove you have the expertise to help them and that wins your ideal buyer’s trust.

This bonus module helps you determine how to meet the sophistication needs of your solution while delivering a quick win for your ideal buyer.

Cover for lead magnet stacking

Bonus Module #2:

Amplify your authority and build your email list through lead magnet stacking

Implement a new strategy for creating and promoting lead attraction assets and activities that amplifies your expertise and convinces your leads you are THE authority on the solution to their most pressing problem.

Lead magnet stacking is a method for coordinating a series of gated lead magnets and ungated trust builders centered around one topic – typically a premium offer or a core value. 

The beauty of the strategy is you can implement each asset as it is completed. It’s a big project with short, achievable milestones.

Bonus Module #3:

Create an always-on promotion strategy to get more leads from your lead-attraction assets

No more spending hours, days, or weeks creating the perfect lead magnet just to have it sit lonely on your website with only a handful of downloads from your friends and family.

If you aren’t getting any takers for your lead magnet, it usually means one of two things – you didn’t address a problem your buyers have or you didn’t have a distribution strategy.

This bonus module will walk you through a list of ways to distribute and promote your lead magnet or lead attraction asset so your hard work will wind up in the hands of the people who need it.

Stay on track with step-by-step guidance

You’ll have a step-by-step walkthrough of the process you’ll take to create your lead gen funnel, set up automations, and polish your copy.

This workshop focuses on implementation rather than teaching copywriting or marketing theory. 

You will be guided through writing your rough draft, setting up automations, building out pages, mapping out and storyboarding email flows, and writing email copy.

Each short video walks you through your next steps. You don’t have to carry the mental load of remembering where you are in a project because the program keeps you on track.

Polish your rough drafts faster with a final asset review checklist

Each workshop takes you through writing rough drafts of your funnel assets, building out pages and setting up automations.

But, you aren’t left hanging with half finished work. The asset review checklist walks you through a comprehensive list of dos and don’ts so you can finish writing your copy and building out your pages.

No more wondering, “what do I do now?” You will have a checklist that helps you finish up all the implementation tasks so you can launch your lead magnet, newsletter, and offer out into the world.

And, you have your bonus access to ongoing support in a dedicated Slack channel so you can ask questions as they arise.

Stop spinning your wheels

Get traction and build the marketing email list that will support your business and your lifestyle

Pay just $197 to fast-track your email list growth

(Or 3 payments of $67)​


"Betsy's workshops leave zero room for procrastination"

Ella Hoyos
Conversion Copywriter, PR & Launch Strategist

"In a few hours I acquired insights and techniques that took a successful practitioner years to develop."

Transformational! I came away with a clear pathway for a project that had lost direction. And I know it will serve me well again and again.

Betsy packs a huge amount into the session. It’s fast and full-on. But she’s such a gifted teacher, it never felt like overwhelm. It’s all sound, down-to-earth stuff – drawn from her outstanding experience in the industry.

What she teaches is a dependable, methodical way of working. Betsy guides you step-by-step through each task in the context of the whole process. It builds up to a join-the-dots framework for a highly productive workflow – easier results, less stress. In a few hours I acquired insights and techniques that took a successful practitioner years to develop.

The hyperbole trade has made us wary of superlatives. But I can candidly say this workshop was the best copywriting training I’ve ever done.

Susi Cormack Brown
Freelance Editor | Content Writer

Susi Cormack Brown

Stop spinning your wheels

Get traction and build the marketing email list that will support your business and your lifestyle

Pay just $197 to fast-track your email list growth

(Or 3 payments of $67)​


How long will the workshop take to complete?
Great news! You're in control of that.

While I'm answering questions... here are a few more you might have:

Q: Will I be successful if I only have small chunks of time to complete the workshops?

A: Yes! The videos that are included offer a step-by-step walkthrough that takes you through completing the assets for your lead gen funnel, newsletter content strategy, and your basic sales funnel. You can take this process one step at a time as your schedule allows. 


With these workshops, you will be able to reorient yourself to the task more quickly and see fewer stalls because the videos guide you through the steps of completing the project assets and you aren’t constantly trying to remember where you were when your last session ended.

Q: Is this just another course?

A: While those brand new to marketing and copywriting might find these workshops helpful, the instruction is not intended to replace a complete copywriting or marketing course. The workshops will enhance what you learn in a theory-based course.

Q: Is this workshop good for beginners?

A: Yes! You will learn a process you can use to get started quickly.

While the Fast-track, List-builder Workshop isn’t a theory-based copywriting course, you will be able to complete the workshop and implement what you learn without a masters-level understanding of copywriting and marketing.

Q: Will this workshop help me attract clients to high-ticket offers

A: Yes, the workshop covers strategies for using specific types of lead magnets as sales instruments at the bottom of your sales funnel.


Q: What's that guarantee again?

A: You have 7 days from the date of purchase to try out the Fast-track, List-building workshop. If you aren’t satisfied, you get your money back.

"Betsy is the most generous person
I've come across in business"

Making the decision to work with Betsy was a no brainer for me. After one conversation with her I knew I wanted to work with her, one way or another. So, when the opportunity presented itself, I jumped at it.

Betsy is the most generous person I have ever come across in business. She genuinely wants to help entrepreneurs. And she doesn’t try to force you into a cookie cutter box. She meets you right where you’re at.

As soon as I heard what Betsy was putting together for entrepreneurs, I knew I had to be part of it. It was so intensive. Full on business mode. Exactly what I needed.

Gemma Hennok
OBM, Conversion Copywriter

Gemma Hennok

Stop spinning your wheels

Get traction and build the marketing email list that will support your business and your lifestyle

Pay just $197 to fast-track your email list growth
(Or 3 payments of $67)


"Betsy's workshops will help you take action toward your goals"

Betsy Muse is the fun yet focused teacher of implementation.  I am amazed at how fast I have planned and completed projects because of her excellent and entertaining teaching!

I promise–try out her workshops and you’ll see your execution move you closer to business success.

Paula McConnell
Founder, Seva Digital

Paula McConnell, the founder of Seva Digital, looks forward smiling while wearing a red jacket and floral blouse.